Hart's Hope by Orson Scott Card

Hart's Hope by Orson Scott Card

Author:Orson Scott Card
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub, pdf
Tags: Folk Tales, Fantasy, Fiction, Science Fiction, Fairy Tales, Legends & Mythology, General, Good and evil
ISBN: 9780765306784
Publisher: New York : Orb, 2003.
Published: 2003-07-15T06:00:00+00:00

The Taste of Power

How Orem learned the death that gnawed at the heart of the world.

In the Wizard’s House

Like all the wizards of Inwit in that day, Gallowglass lived on Wizard Street. His house looked common enough and modest from the outside. Its only advertisement was a horseshoe on a nail, for it had once been a blacksmith shop. The hinges were in such disarray that doors seemed more to lean than close, and a shutter flapped clumsily in the breeze that sighed up the street. There was dust on the porch that seemed to have been undisturbed for years. Yet the wizard seemed to see nothing amiss as he climbed the step, took hold of a door, and eased it out of the way.

“In in in,” he whispered. Orem went in, ducking to avoid a heavily laden spider web whose surly mistress seemed resentful at being disturbed. It was dark inside, and darker yet when the wizard stepped within and pulled the door closed behind him.

“Lamp lamp,” he said, searching in the darkness.

“What is this place?”

“The heavenly hearth, the kindly fire, the keeper of the heart, the place of rest and comfort. In a word, my domicile.”

Gallowglass found a match. He struck once, twice; it wouldn’t light. Matches had spells on them,

everyone knew that, and now Orem understood why his mother sent him out of the house whenever she had to relight the kitchen fire. Gallowglass put down the matches. “We must teach you quickly, mustn’t we.”

He lit a flame the unmagical way. “Flint and steel, stone and ore, yes, yes, here.” Gallowglass was much less deft at it than Braisy. At last there came a spark and a small fire, not on wool, but on a piece of paper. Burning paper was something Orem had never seen done before. Paper was far too precious in the House of God in Banningside. Yet it made a light, and Orem looked around the place while Gallowglass lit the lamp.

It was a cramped and crowded room, with things stacked in a hopeless jumble on shelves that sagged along the walls. There were piles on the floor, too, and on the steps of the steep and narrow stair that led to a room above. There were three large barrels against the northern wall, unmarked, yet damp and mossy. And everything was inches thick in dust.

“Is this the best place you could find?” asked Orem.

Gallowglass looked at him in annoyance. “It doesn’t look like this usually. But you’re here, and so I’ll have to forego the normal furnishings for a while.” As he spoke the lamp went out again. “Damn, boy, will you get upstairs so I can do this properly?”

Orem stumbled to the stairs in the darkness and clambered up into the cobwebs. Then he listened to Gallowglass wandering around below. A fire soon crackled in the hearth, though there had been no hearth in the room downstairs. And he could hear Gallowglass wander from room to room, opening and closing the doors, though there had been but the one room there before.


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